Recipe: Delicious Cheesy Cauliflower and Potato Soup

Cheesy Cauliflower and Potato Soup.

Cheesy Cauliflower and Potato Soup You can cook Cheesy Cauliflower and Potato Soup using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Cheesy Cauliflower and Potato Soup

  1. It's 1 of yellow onion.
  2. It's 1 Tbsp of minced garlic.
  3. It's Tbsp of olive oil.
  4. It's 1 head of cauliflower.
  5. You need 1.5 lbs of russet potatoes.
  6. It's 4 cups of vegtable roth.
  7. You need 12 oz of evaporated milk.
  8. It's 1/2 tsp of smoked paprika.
  9. It's 1 tsp of salt.
  10. It's of Fresh cracked pepper.
  11. Prepare 8 oz of shedded medium cheddar cheese.
  12. You need 3 of green onions.

Cheesy Cauliflower and Potato Soup step by step

  1. Dice onion and add to soup pot along with minced garlic and olive oil. Saute until the onion is soft.
  2. Peel and dice the potatoes into 1 inch cubes. Cut the cauliflower into small florets. Add the cubed potatoes and cauliflower florets to the pot along with vegetable broth. Place a lid on top, turn tge heat to high and bring pot to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat to medium-low and let simmer for about 20 minutes or until potatoes and cauliflower are extremely soft.
  3. Add evaporated milk to soup. Use immersion blender to puree mixture..
  4. Once soup is pureed, season with smoked paprika, salt and fresh cracked pepper (10-15 cranks).
  5. Heat soup to add cheese, one handful at a time until fully melted..
  6. Serve with sliced green onions for an added pop of flavor..

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